Picture Guided Learning - A Picture-Based Clinical Skill Teaching Resource in Undergraduate Nursing in South Australia





Clinical Skill Storybook, Clinical Skill Teaching, Undergraduate Nursing, Nursing Skills, Psychomotor Skills, Skills laboratory, Clinical competence


A competent nursing graduate is required to perform psychomotor skills related to clinical procedures, articulate knowledge to support their activities, work in a team with efficient time management skills and have strategies to perform in the increasingly busy clinical environment and with complex patient acuity. Student Evaluation of Teaching data from an undergraduate nursing clinical subject 2014-2018 identified an inconsistency in clinical skill teaching/delivery by educators which needed to be addressed. This study aimed to evaluate the outcome of implementing the Clinical Skill Storybook as an additional teaching resource for students’ clinical skill development.  A descriptive analysis approach was applied to summarise quantitative and qualitative subject evaluation data along with Clinical Skill Storybook evaluation questionnaires (2018-2020). Data analysis identified five themes: (1) Clinical Skill Storybook as a Learning Resource, (2) Self-directed learning and peer support, (3) Developing clinical skill competency, (4) Preparation for clinical placement, and (5) Maintaining teaching consistency. It was evident that the Clinical Skill Storybook provided an easy-to-follow visual guide which assisted students’ confidence and competence of skill development. The subject evaluation highlights that students were significantly more satisfied with the teaching resources than in previous years. The implementation of the Clinical Skill Storybook actively improved students’ skill acquisition, confidence, and readiness for placement. The findings indicated that picture-based resources such as the Clinical Skill Storybook are beneficial for nursing students’ clinical skill development. Further involvement with stakeholders such as clinical venues in developing the clinical skill storybook is planned for future exploration.   


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Author Biographies

Ying Yu, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia

Y.Yu is a registered nurse with more than 25 years full time acute care nursing experiences in China and Australia. Ying furthered her nursing qualifications since migrate to Australia in 2004 by completing a post graduate certificate in Intensive Care Nursing, a graduate certificate in Clinical Education and Master of Nursing. In 2018 Ying moved from the clinical field to the academic field to share her knowledge and experience with the next generation of nurses. Ying excelled in her earlier academic career by receiving the Vice President & Executive Dean’s Education Award in 2019, Vice President’s Teaching Excellence Award and Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence in Teaching in 2020. Ying is completing her PhD at College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Flinders university, Australia with a scholarship funded by Medical Research Future Fund Australia. The field of study is online psychoeducation for informal caregivers of people living with dementia. Research interest include teaching and learning, cultural and linguistic diverse population, informal caregiver education and support. Recent publication: Yu, Y., Xiao, L., & Chamberlain, D. J. (2021). Perceptions of care in patients from culturally and linguistically diverse background during acute and critical illness: A integrative literature review. Aust Crit Care, 34(5), 486-495. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aucc.2020.11.004

Jodie Price, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia

J. Price has a clinical background in Intensive care and Cardiac nursing, working in these areas for over 20 years. She completed Graduate Certificate in Health-Critical Care and Master of Nursing. She has extensive teaching experience, teaching at Flinders University since 2006, both as a casual and Full time Academic. She also worked as a Professional Placement Facilitator for Flinders University for 8 years. She teaches across the curriculum, however has a special focus on 3rd year Nursing students, working with them to assist them in gaining the knowledge and skills to ensure that they are successful Registered Nurses when they complete their degree. She is passionate about teaching and Nursing and has expertise working with students who require additional support in clinical skill and professional language development. Jodie is a Topic Coordinator, third year level Coordinator, Lab workforce Team leader, Nursing Communication and Practice Co-Project leader, Clinical Skill Storybook project and BN redesign team member.

Vincent Pearson, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia

V.Pearson is a registered nurse at Royal Adelaide Hospital and an Associate Lecturer at Flinders University, South Australia. Vincent graduated with a Bachelor of Nursing and a Master of Nursing (Cardiac) from Flinders University. Currently, Vincent is pursuing postgraduate studies at Flinders University. His postgraduate research focuses on identifying a scalable implementation strategy for integrated atrial fibrillation care in primary care. Vincent has worked on multiple projects investigating cardiovascular health with researchers from Caring Futures Institute at Flinders University.

Leeanne Pront, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia

L. Pront is a registered nurse with a clinical background in rural/ remote emergency and theatre experience. Leeanne is a Nursing Lecturer at Flinders University with a passion for Clinical teaching and learning. As a PhD candidate her thesis focuses on the ‘what is good clinical supervision’. As the Placement Education Coordinator for Nursing at Flinders University her role supports ongoing development of clinical placement availability, education and support for clinical venues, clinical facilitators and student to optimise student learning in this environment.

Fathimath Shifaza, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia

Dr FATHIMATH SHIFAZA Was born in the Maldives. She received her BSc of Nursing from Monash University, MSc from Adelaide University and PhD from the University of South Australia. Fathimath is a Senior Lecturer in Nursing at the College of Nursing and Health Sciences. Dr Shifaza is a registered nurse with additional qualifications in Midwifery and has over 20 years of clinical nursing and midwifery experience in Australia and Internationally. Her current research interest focuses on translating evidence to clinical practice, practice change and academic teaching styles. Fathimath’s work underpins the importance of having Evidence-based Champions in a clinical setting to implement evidence-based practice. She has conducted several EBP research projects in clinical settings, academia. Her post-doctoral fellowship at the Ohio State University broadens her knowledge and scope of expertise in Evidence-based Practice. She frequently contributes to international conferences as a keynote speaker, invited speaker and acts as a peer reviewer for a number of International Journals. Dr Shifaza was a recipient of the College of Nursing and Health Sciences Teaching excellent Award 2021, Outstanding Health Researcher Award 2018 - Ministry of Health, Maldives, the Endeavour executive fellowship in 2017- Department of Education and Training -Australia, Australian Postgraduate Award 2011- Department of Education and Training -Australia.


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How to Cite

Y. Yu, “Picture Guided Learning - A Picture-Based Clinical Skill Teaching Resource in Undergraduate Nursing in South Australia ”, International Journal of Advanced Health Science and Technology, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 42–49, Dec. 2021.



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